Key: Step 82. Tanypodinae 68 Monopelopia

82a. Thoracic horn flattish, toothed, elongate, gradually narrowed to the rounded apex; plastron plate occupies the whole of the horn apex, over 1/3rd horn length, connected by a short neck to a thick-walled, unbranched, straight atrium, which occupies half to 2/3rds the width of the horn lumen (021b.jpg). Thorax comb absent. Many dorsal setae of the abdomen branched. 021-1.jpg species overview

Monopelopia tenuicalcar

82b. Plastron plate only 1/5th thoracic horn length OR neck of respiratory atrium narrow OR atrial wall thin. Thorax comb present even if poorly developed. Dorsal setae not branched.

Step 83. Tanypodinae 69 Telmatopelopia
Decision path