Glyptotendipes ospeli

Author: Contreras-Lichtenberg and Kiknadze, 1999

Diagnosis (material leg. D. Tempelman.)
Exuviae 7.2-9.9mm long (n=5).
Cephalothorax: Cephalic tubercles narrow conical (149q.jpg). Posterior thoracic mound large, triangularly conical (149r.jpg). Thoracic horn much branched.
Abdomen: Tergite armament not restricted to posterior mounds. Pedes spurii B II weak. Epaulettes racket-shaped, present on tergites II-VI. Dorsal points of epaulettes restricted to the expanded apex. EpR II-VI 1.0 : 1.21-1.43 : 1.22-1.43 : 1.44-1.86 : 1.73-2.36 (n=5); length epaulette VI 1.13-1.38x length epaulette V (n=5). Comb of segment VIII with 2-5 very small teeth. Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 4,4,4,5.
Anal segment: Fringe of anal lobe with 136-168 taeniae (n=5).

Species keys out at Page 119: Chironomini 16 Glyptotendipes of the Text Key.

The Netherlands.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Chironominae).

Ecological notes
Pools. ‘ The larvae are found in tubes on hard, vertically placed, surfaces.’ (Vallenduuk, 1999)