Zalutschia mallae

Author: Tuiskunen, 1986

Diagnosis (Material in coll. ZSM; in part after Tuiskunen in Tuiskunen and Lindeberg, 1986a - in italics)
Exuviae 3.0-3.6mm long (n=5). Uniformly pale brown except narrow uncoloured conjunctives.
Cephalothorax: Frontal setae 68-100µm long (n=4) on distinct cephalic tubercles; 2 median and 1 lateral antepronotals present; 1 prealar and 2 postorbital setae present; 3 precorneal setae, one strong and fairly straight (68-88µm); two weak and often very curved; 4 dorsocentrals, D2 being very weak but long, others much stronger, arranged nearly linear with D3 closer to D1 than D4. Thoracic horn elongate with some small sharp points along its length or nearly smooth, horn 210-243µm long; ThR 7.4-10.5 (n=4).
Abdomen: Tergite I without points. Tergites II-VI(VII) posteriorly with a swelling covered with strong points, the remainder of the tergites extensively shagreened. Sternites II-VI for the most part and sternites VII-VIII anteriorly with similar extensive shagreen. Pedes spurii B absent. Pedes spurii A on sternites IV-VI. Postero-lateral corner of segments VII and VIII with a dark embedded spine (043c.jpg). Lateral taeniae absent on abdominal segments. Dorsal setae I-VIII: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5; Lateral setae I-VIII: 2,3-4,3-4,3-4,3-4,3-4,3-4,2, very short and weak, some often absent; Ventral setae I-VIII: 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4.
Anal segment: Anal lobe ratio 2.0-2.3 (n=3). Anal lobes without fringe. The three anal macrosetae short, nearly straight; length of setae 0.42-0.49x length of the anal lobe (n=3).

Species keys out at Page 690: Orthocladiinae 102 Zalutschia of the Text Key.

(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Orthocladiinae).

Ecological notes
Ultraoligotrophic northern lakes and perhaps rivers, but not encountered again in the type locality in which the species was the most abundant chironomid in 1969 and 1971.
Lindegaard, 1997: NF