Key: Step 81. Tanypodinae 67 Guttipelopia

81a. Anterior taenia of anal lobe inserted beyond 0.45 the lobe length. Anal lobes toothed externally from posterior taenia to apex (020c.jpg). Segment VII usually nearly square. Thorax comb of 6-11 hollow conical tubercles; basal tubercle of thoracic horn similar but larger (020b.jpg). Note Ta67; 020-1.jpg species overview

Guttipelopia guttipennis

81b. Insertion of anterior anal taenia not beyond 0.45 lobe length. Segment VII transversely rectangular. Thorax comb of more or less parallel-sided teeth or poorly developed, or absent. Thoracic horn basal tubercle rounded.

Step 82. Tanypodinae 68 Monopelopia
Decision path