Cryptochironomus pe2

Form described by Langton, 1984

Exuviae 6.2-7.4mm long (n=5).
Cephalothorax: Cephalic tubercles 60-95µm long (n=4); 0.64-1.11x higher than broad (n=5). Posterior thoracic mound with a small swelling anteriorly; anterior mound small, rounded conical. Dorsal anterior thoracic mound absent.
Abdomen: Hook row II medially interrupted, gap narrower than the length of the row on one side (113o.jpg). Tergites I-VIII/IX are covered with reticulation, at least tergites I-V with obvious continuous reticulation; reticulation of tergites and sternites thin walled. Tergites II-VII with a complete posterior transverse row or narrow band of strong points; points III-VII: 64-96, 54-88, 50-71, 44-60, 43-55 (n=5). Tergites III-V also with an anterior transverse band of strong points. Posterior points of sternites II-VII form a transverse row or band; points III-VII: 21-32, 15-29, 19-30, 21-30, 23-38 (n=5). Comb of segment VIII absent. Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 4,4(3),4(3),5(3,4).
Anal segment: Fringe of anal lobe with 62-83 taeniae (n=5).

Note: This is the albofasciatus of Edwards, 1929a, Reiss, 1968 and Pinder, 1978a, and the defectus of Shilova, 1966a. Cryptochironomus defectus Kieffer, Cryptochironomus albofasciatus (Staeger) and Cryptochironomus supplicans (Meigen) are difficult to identify with certainty in any of their stages, published descriptions and figures disagreeing between authors and even in the same paper. They may perhaps represent two or even only one species.

Form keys out at Page 353: Chironomini 250 Cryptochironomus of the Text Key.

(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Chironominae).

Ecological notes
Northern and montane lakes.