Tanytarsus smolandicus

Author: Brundin, 1947

Diagnosis (Material in coll. B. Lindeberg)
Exuviae 3.4-4.9mm long (n=3).
Cephalothorax: Frontal setae 70-90µm long (n=3). Thoracic horn 240, 290µm long; ThR 13.7, 19.3 (n=2). Thoracic horn over the apical two-thirds with setulae, shorter than the greatest breadth of the horn (142i.jpg). Posterior thoracic mound moderately strongly swollen (n=1). Wing sheaths nearly parallel-sided or gently swollen medially, with nose usually conspicuous. Wing sheaths rounded apically, pearl row absent.
Abdomen: Tergite II with the anterior points smaller than the posterior. Tergite III without shagreen anteriorly, spine bands short and situated in front of setae D5 (142h.jpg). Tergites IV and V with the armament arranged in longitudinal bands. Armament tergite IV strong, 67-95µm long (n=3). ArR III-VI 1.15-1.53 : 1.0 : 0.56-0.63 : 0.21-0.28 (n=3). Postero-lateral comb of segment VIII 38-75µm wide; with 5-9 marginal teeth (n=3). Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 0,0,1,5.
Anal segment: Fringe of anal lobe with 30-48 taeniae (n=3), forming a complete series.

Note: Very similar in general appearance to Tanytarsus horni but also separable possibly on the nearly absent point patches on segment VI.

Species keys out at Page 477: Tanytarsini 118 Tanytarsus of the Text Key.
Note: Tanytarsus pe19 may key here also.

Northern Europe.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Chironominae).

Ecological notes
Northern and montane standing and flowing waters.