Key: Step 15. Tanypodinae 1

15a. Anal lobes short (L:B 0.7-1.7:1), rounded, margins smooth, shorter than median length of segm. VIII (0.5-0.83:1). Segm. VIII extended posteriorly on each side for 1/5th or more of its median length. Lateral taeniae EITHER forming a complete fringe on segm. (II)III-VIII, OR segm. VII with 6(7) taeniae and VIII with 5(4). Thoracic horn (004d.jpg). Note Ta01.

Step 16. Tanypodinae 2 Tanypus

15b. Anal lobes either narrowed to a point or broadly rounded (when they are margined with a tooth- or hair-fringe). Posterior edge of segment VIII usually straight or nearly so. When thoracic horn similar to the Tanypus-shape, it is EITHER less than 600µm long, OR has an obvious plastron plate, OR the anal lobes are large and have a toothed margin.

Step 18. Tanypodinae 4 Procladius
Decision path