Key: Step 14. Couplet 6 to Subfamilies

14a. With 1 or more of the following characters: thoracic horn with plastron plate; thorax comb; scar on tergite I; tergites II-VIII with a dense mat of imbricating simple or forked spinules; anal lobes with 2 lateral taeniae, with or without a setal fringe.

Subfamily Tanypodinae.

Step 15. Tanypodinae 1

14b. Thoracic horn, if present, without a plastron plate. Thorax comb and scar of tergite I absent. Tergites II-VIII without a dense mat of spinules. Anal lobes very rarely with 2 lateral taeniae and then without an additional fringe.

Step 101. Couplet 7 to Subfamilies
Decision path