Key: Step 358. Tanytarsini 1

358a. Anal lobes (127j.jpg) without trace of a fringe. Segment VIII without a postero-lateral comb or spur. Tergites II-V with an anterior transverse band of dense small points; on II-IV also with a postero-median pair of point patches which are much less dense and joined to the anterior transverse band to a greater or lesser degree on each side of the mid-line (127i.jpg). (Note Ti001, 127h.jpg)

Step 359. Tanytarsini 2 Lithotanytarsus

358b. Anal lobes with at least an apical seta, usually fringed with taeniate setae. Postero-lateral corners of segment VIII usually with a comb or spur(s). Tergite armament not as above.

Step 360. Tanytarsini 3 Thienemanniola
Decision path