Key: Step 295. Chironomini 192 Sergentia

295a. Anal lobes with many taeniae (54-103, m=72.7, n=43), crowded posteriorly into more than one rank. Lateral shagreen of sternites III and IV of spinules directed lateral and arranged in irregular longitudinal rows (a good confirmatory character, but sometimes the spinules are irregularly dispersed and occasionally missing altogether). Large exuviae (7.4-10.6mm, m=8.9mm, n=44). Note Ci192.

Sergentia coracina

295b. Anal lobes on average with fewer taeniae (28-68, averages 49.6 and 59,4), usually in a single row. Lateral shagreen of sternites III and IV directed posteriad, irregularly arranged or in more or less horizontal rows (occasionally apparently absent in Sergentia prima). On the average, smaller exuviae (5.6-9.8mm, averages 7.4mm and 7.2mm)

Step 296. Chironomini 193 Sergentia
Decision path