Key: Step 192. Chironomini 89 Chironomus

192a. Anterior thorax hardly granulate; dense small granulation begins just behind the level of the insertion of the thoracic horn and continues to posterior margin of the wing sheath base, thereafter rapidly evanescing. Spinules of pleura IV less than 10µm long. Armament of tergite VI less extensive posteriorly: 6 points between the seta and the posterior margin of the point patch (102e.jpg).

Chironomus pilicornis

192b. Anterior thorax small granulate; granulation extends as far as the anterior edge of the wing sheath base. Spinules of pleura IV longer than 10µm. Armament of tergite VI continued posteriorly further behind seta D5: 8 points between the seta and the posterior margin of the point patch (102f.jpg).

Chironomus fraternus
Decision path