Key: Step 180. Chironomini 77 Chironomus

180a. Armament of abdominal tergites extensive, e.g. on tergite III extending to embrace the lateral of the anterior adhesion marks and to seta D3 posteriorly (102g.jpg). (Cephalic tubercles small, less than 150µm long, with apical third narrow, nearly cylindrical. Pleura IV spinulate.)

Chironomus holomelas

180b. Armament of abdominal tergites far less extensive, e.g. on tergite III extending laterally at most only as far as the inner edge of the lateral of the anterior adhesion marks and setae D4. (Cephalic tubercles usually larger, over 150µm long, conical).

Step 181. Chironomini 78 Chironomus
Decision path