Key: Step 141. Chironomini 38 Chironomus

141a. Exuvial length 6.2mm. Cephalic tubercles about 140µm long, with the apical 50µm narrow cylindrical (099i.jpg). Fewer hooks in hook row II: total = 46. Anal lobes with 47 or 52 taeniae (n=1). 099-2.jpg species overview

Chironomus (Lobochironomus) Pe1

Chironomus lob-pe1

141b. Exuvial length 7.9-10mm. Cephalic tubercles conical, 75-160µm long. More hooks in hook row II: total = 62-88. Each anal lobe with 72-126 taeniae.
The species of Chironomus (Lobochironomus) Pe2 have extremely similar pupae. With few specimens available the distinctions given here must be treated as tentative.

Step 142. Chironomini 39 Chironomus
Decision path