Key: Step 67. Tanypodinae 53 Ablabesmyia

67a. Armament of abdominal tergites (especially medially) mostly of individual points as if here the scale shagreen is reduced, each scale to a single point (017j.jpg). Thoracic horn over 800µm long. Anal lobes over 700µm long. Exuviae 7.4-9.3mm long (m=8.0mm, n=11).

Ablabesmyia phatta

67b. Armament of abdominal tergites extensively of group or scale shagreen. Thoracic horn less than 650µm long. Anal lobes less than 700µm long. Exuvial length 4.3-6.9mm.

Step 68. Tanypodinae 54 Ablabesmyia
Decision path