Key: Step 52. Tanypodinae 38 Arctopelopia

52a. Thorax moderately and extensively granulate. Thorax comb composed of granules larger than the surrounding granulation (014i.jpg). Tergite IV with branched spinules restricted to a narrow posterior transverse band. Tergite IX with [(?)] no branched spinules.

Arctopelopia barbitarsis

52b. Thorax weakly granulate. Thorax comb hardly distinguishable. Tergite IV with branched spinules in a posterior transverse band, longitudinally the length of the pleura, and a pair of median longitudinal bands just lateral to the posterior adhesion marks. Tergite IX with branched spinules dispersed among the simple (014h.jpg).
014-2.jpg species overview

Arctopelopia melanosoma
Decision path