Key: Step 883. Orthocladiinae 294 Paratrichocladius

883a. On tergites III and IV the lens-shaped area of enlarged points of the median patch forms, at least medially, the anterior margin of the median patch (081b.jpg). Paratergites with row shagreen forming a reticulate pattern. Tergites VII and VIII with the postero-lateral corners devoid of points. Hooklets of apical bands III-V often smaller than the hooks of hook row II. 081-1.jpg species overview

Paratrichocladius skirwithensis

883b. On tergites III and IV the enlarged anterior points of the median point patch form a broad transverse band, which may be weakly constricted medially, situated within the median point patch away from the anterior margin (068h.jpg). Paratergites with most shagreen points isolated. Tergites VII and VIII covered with points. Apical hooklets of tergites III and IV or III-V usually about as large as those of hook row II.

Paratrichocladius nigritus
Decision path