Key: Step 763. Orthocladiinae 175 Limnophyes

763a. Points on tergite IX increasing in size to about half way and then remaining strong to posterior margin of the point patch (059j.jpg), the lateral bands well-developed and frequently joining up posteriorly with the median. Eye facet impressions on eye sheaths conspicuous to half way or more using phase contrast or oblique illumination. 059-2.jpg species overview

Limnophyes edwardsi

763b. Points on tergite IX increasing in size to a 3rd or half way and then diminishing in size to posterior extent, the lateral bands usually short and weakly developed. Eye facet impressions on eye sheaths using phase contrast or oblique illumination at most vaguely indicated to nearly half way, often undetectable.

Limnophyes pentaplastus
Decision path