Key: Step 709. Orthocladiinae 121 Eukiefferiella

709a. Thoracic horn very long, over twice as long as the longest precorneal seta (052k.jpg). Longest points in the posterior transverse bands of tegites III and IV 8-10µm long. 4th dorsocentral seta usually absent; when present, always smaller than the robust 3rd seta.

Eukiefferiella tirolensis

709b. Thoracic horn shorter, no more than 1.5 times the length of the longest precorneal seta (052j.jpg). Longest points in the posterior transverse bands of tergites III and IV 13-15µm long. 4th dorsocentral seta longer than the 3rd.

Eukiefferiella fuldensis
Decision path