Key: Step 526. Diamesinae 2 Protanypus

526a. Abdominal tergites and sternites covered with dense minute shagreen points, elongate spinules rare or absent. Anterior thoracic tubercles as large as the cephalic tubercles (026g.jpg). (Thoracic horn more than 600µm long, pointed apically and longitudinally finely wrinkled.)
026-2.jpg species overview

Protanypus morio

526b. Anterior abdominal tergites virtually unarmed; posterior tergites progressively more extensively armed with minute points. Sternites armed with nail-like spinules, strongest on anterior sternites. Anterior thoracic tubercles smaller than the cephalic tubercles (026i.jpg).

Step 527. Diamesinae 3 Protanypus
Decision path