Key: Step 506. Tanytarsini 147 Micropsectra

506a. Armament of tergite II a pair of triangular bands of strong points narrowly joined posteriorly, but anterior to this join the mid-line is free of points (146h.jpg). Lateral taeniae of segments IV-VIII 1, 1/2, 1/2, (2)3, 5. (Armament of tergite III a pair of patches of dense spinules posterior to setae D5. Tergites IV and V with points but without spines or spinules.)

Micropsectra radialis

506b. Armament of tergite II with the lateral point bands completely fused anteriorly, leaving a longitudinally oval bare patch postero-medially. Lateral taeniae of segments IV-VIII 1, 1, 1/2, 2/3, 4/5. (In Micropsectra Pe2 the armament may be reduced, but very faint.)

Step 507. Tanytarsini 148 Micropsectra
Decision path