Key: Step 467. Tanytarsini 108 Tanytarsus

467a. Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 1(0), 1, 2, 4, the taeniae broad. Thoracic horn setulated along one side over the middle half, the setulae 50µm or more long, usually as long as the horn is broad (141m.jpg). Cephalic tubercles small, conical.

Tanytarsus aculeatus

467b. Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 0, 0, 0(1), 4, the taeniae elongate, but narrow and sometimes difficult to distinguish. Thoracic horn smooth or with setulae less than 45µm in length in the middle. Cephalic tubercles elongate conical or cylindrical apically.

Step 468. Tanytarsini 109 Tanytarsus
Decision path