Key: Step 363. Tanytarsini 6 Constempellina

363a. Frontal setae thorn-like (129h.jpg). Segment VIII with 2 lateral taeniae. (Thoracic horn with a swollen base, narrowing rapidly in the apical half. Thorax anteriorly by suture thickly set with small spinous teeth. Tergite V with longitudinal point bands posteriorly extended laterad, the points of the extension (129i.jpg) enlarged and directed laterad. Segment VIII with 2-6 pale golden spurs on each side (129j.jpg).)

Constempellina brevicosta

363b. Frontal setae elongate, flexible, narrow taeniate. Segment VIII with 3 or 4 lateral taeniae.

Step 364. Tanytarsini 7 Stempellina
Decision path