Key: Step 356. Chironomini 253 Cryptochironomus

356a. Abdominal reticulation complete on tergites I-VI, partial on VII and VIII. Cephalic tubercles very long (over 350µm long) and straight (113h.jpg). Thoracic horn with the anterior branch much larger than the others (113i.jpg). Ventral posterior transverse point rows present on segments I-V only. Posterior thoracic mound with 1 bifid or 2 separate anterior projections.

Cryptochironomus redekei

356b. Abdominal reticulation complete on tergites I-V, partial on VI. Cephalic tubercles long conical, but less than 350µm long. Thoracic horn with the anterior branch not much larger than the others. Posterior transverse point rows present on sternites II-VI/VII. Posterior thoracic mound with a single projection.

Step 357. Chironomini 254 Cryptochironomus
Decision path