Key: Step 328. Chironomini 225 Polypedilum

328a. Median points of tergite III obviously smaller than the apical points; median points of II smaller still. Posterior transverse point band of tergites IV-VI medially broken, only occasionally with a few small points bridging the gap between the two halves. Armament of tergite II discontinuous (125b.jpg), resembling the pattern on tergites III-V.
125-1.jpg species overview

Polypedilum nubeculosum

328b. Median points of tergite III similar in size to those of the apical band; median points of II hardly smaller. Posterior point band of tergites IV-(V)VI continuous (the posterior band may be fused to the median point band to produce a marmorate trapezoidal patch), but may be narrowed medially. Armament of tergite II continuous, the median point patch broadly joined to the anterior transverse band or narrowly separate from it (125j.jpg).

Polypedilum laetum
Decision path