Key: Step 278. Chironomini 175 Stictochironomus

278a. Sternite I, if armed, with an area of rounded tubercles antero-laterally. Cephalic tubercles long and curved, armed apically with short points, which at maximum expression form a crown around the base of the seta (117h.jpg); the frontal setae are less than half the length of the tubercles, but easily broken off. Note Ci175a (117i.jpg).

Stictochironomus crassiforceps

278b. Sternite I armed with small points antero- laterally, sporadic small points may occur elsewhere (117o.jpg). Cephalic tubercles shorter, curved, truncate apically and unarmed; frontal setae long and rarely broken off (118b.jpg). Note Ci175b (118d.jpg).
118-1.jpg species overview

Stictochironomus sticticus
Decision path