Key: Step 142. Chironomini 39 Chironomus

142a. Armament of tergites less extensive: e.g. on tergite IV, laterally becoming marmorate at or before level seta D1 and stopping short of seta D2 (101e.jpg). Anterior armament of tergite and sternite VII of similar small points.

Chironomus (Lobochironomus) montuosus

Chironomus montuosus

142b. Armament of tergites more extensive: e.g. tergite IV with marmoration restricted to the lateral margin of the point patch, points usually reaching as far laterally as seta D2 (101b.jpg). Anterior points of sternite VII spiculate and grouped in irregular rows; those of the tergite more robust, resembling in shape the smaller points on the preceding tergite.

Step 143. Chironomini 40 Chironomus
Decision path