Key: Step 113. Chironomini 10 Glyptotendipes

113a. Thorax with extensive small granulation. Comb of segment VIII composed of 4-18 colourless, elongate, basally curved spines (094i.jpg). Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 4, 4, 4, 5. (Tergites III-V with armament continuous posteriorly.) 094-2.jpg species overview

Glyptotendipes signatus

113b. Thorax with a few granules near suture only. Comb of segment VIII composed of 1-8 dark teeth. Lateral taeniae of segments V-VIII: 4, 4, 4, 4 (occasionally 5 on segment VIII in Glyptotendipes viridis).

Glyptotendipes (s.str.) Pe 2 Langton 1984

Step 114. Chironomini 11 Glyptotendipes
Decision path