Key: Step 102. Chironominae 1

102a. Thoracic horn with 2 to many branches (Note Ci102). Tergites II-VI in general with an anterior and posterior transverse point band and a median patch of points, each developed to varying degrees; absent on some segments in some species, completely fused and covering the tergites in others. Note Ci102a. Wing sheaths without pearl row and, except in Paralauterborniella, nose.

Step 103. Chironominae 2/Pseudochironomini

102b. Thoracic horn unbranched (smooth, setulated or with long setae), or absent. Tergites (II)III-VI in general with a pair of antero-median patches of points, spines or spinules which may be extended posteriorly to produce longitudinal bands on each side of the mid-line; anteriorly the patches may be joined to produce a transverse band. Wing sheaths usually with nose and/or pearl row.

Step 358. Tanytarsini 1
Decision path