Key: Step 36. Tanypodinae 22 Macropelopia

36a. Thoracic horn rounded apically; the circular plastron plate connected to the atrium by 1-2 narrow necks (010e.jpg). Setae D2 and D3 of segments III-V taeniate, simple to very branched, not hooked apically, less than half as long as the segment.

Macropelopia pe1

36b. Thoracic horn more or less truncate apically; the plastron plate occupying the whole apex and in contact with the atrium for its whole width (009i.jpg). Setae D2 and D3 of segments III-V taeniate and longer than the segment, hooked apically, sometimes angularly bent back on themselves about half-way along their length (010h.jpg).

Step 37. Tanypodinae 23 Macropelopia
Decision path