Author: (Johannsen, 1905)
Diagnosis (after Saether and Wang, 1995a - nominal subspecies)
Exuviae 2.08-2.84, 2.41mm (n=18).
Colour: Transparent with very slight yellowish greyish tint.
Cephalothorax: Frontal setae and warts absent. Thoracic horn 84-165, 115µm long (n=22) long, 8-19, 15µm long (n=22) wide; 1.47-2.62x (m=2.01, n=15) as long as terminal sta on anal lobe. Precorneal setae, median and lateral antepronotals 34-109µm long (m=59µm). Dorsocentrals each 19-56µm long (m=30µm, n=19), distance between setae 1 and 2: 23-98µm (m=73µm, n=19; 1x 23µm, 1x 38µm, the others 60-98µm); between setae 2 and 3: 2-94µm (m=24µm, n=19; 1x 94µm, 1x 64µm, the others 2-32µm); between setae 3 and 4: 6-41µm (m=21µm, n=18; 1x 38µm, 1x 41µm, the others 6-11µm). Wing sheath with nose, with 10-35 weak pearls (m=25, n=16).
Abdomen: Tergite I bare or with very few anteriomedian points, II-VI with extensive shagreen except laterally. Sternites I-III bare, IV with a few posterior points, V with a few median and posterior points, VII-VIII with stronger points. Shagreen grading over into small posterior spines distinct on tergites VI-VIII and sternites VI-VII (female) of VIII (male).
Anal segment: Tergite IX with a few anterior points. Anal lobe with 1 terminal seta 49-68µm long (m=57µm, n=16) and 0.7-1.5µm wide (m=0.9µm, n=9). Apex of anal lobe with 6-19 spines (m=12, n=19). Genital sac of male overreaches anal lobe by 75-105µm (m=92µm); of female ending 8-34µm (m=23µm, n=7) short of apex of anal lobe.
(Linked adult male: Langton and Pinder, 2003a)
Species keys out at Page 804: Orthocladiinae 216 Paraphaenocladius of the Text Key.
Saether and Wang, 1995a recognized the following subspecies:
Paraphaenocladius e. exagitans from the USA, Canada, Japan and China (including Tibet).
Paraphaenocladius exagitans monticola from Europe and Japan.
Paraphaenocladius exagitans longipes from Central America.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Orthocladiinae).