Guttipelopia guttipennis

Author: (van der Wulp, 1861)

Exuviae 5.2-6.4mm long (m=5.7mm, n=12) (020-1.jpg).
Cephalothorax: Thoracic horn 585-705µm long (m=653µm, n=9); ThR 1.8-2.4 (m=2.2, n=8). Thorax comb of 6-11 hollow conical tubercles; basal tubercle of thoracic horn similar but larger (020b.jpg). Thoracic horn long oval, about twice as long as broad, closely and regularly toothed, with small plastron plate set on the end of a colourless terminal tubercle, joined to the atrium by a narrow sinuous neck; atrium fills horn lumen.
Abdomen: Segment VII usually nearly square; anterior lateral taenia at 0.60-0.68 of length segment VII (m=0.66, n=12). Anterior lateral taenia of segment VIII at 0.46-0.56 of length segment VIII (m=0.51, n=12).
Anal segment: Anal lobe ratio 2.8-3.2 (m=3.0, n=11). Anterior taenia of anal lobe inserted beyond 0.45 the lobe length. Anal lobes without a thickened lateral edge; lobes toothed externally from posterior taenia to apex (020c.jpg).
(Linked adult male: Langton and Pinder, 2003a)

Species keys out at Page 81: Tanypodinae 67 Guttipelopia of the Text Key.

Holarctic species: Widespread in Europe.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Other subfamilies).

Ecological notes
Peat pools, possibly calcifuge.
Small pools and littoral of dystrofic lakes. Meuche, 1939a found the species in highly alkaline Lake Stendorfer. Arctic lakes becoming alkaline in summer as a result of CO2 depletion. (Bilyj, 1988a).