Macropelopia fehlmanni

Author: (Kieffer, 1912)

Diagnosis (Material in coll. ZSM)
Exuviae 8.2-9.3mm long (m=9.0mm, n=12).
Cephalothorax: Thoracic horn 310-820µm long (m=652µm, n=12); ThR 2.8-4.9 (m=3.7, n=10). At its maximum development the plastron plate is circular, lying in the rounded horn apex, unattached to the atrium, but it is often reduced and may be missing altogether (010f.jpg). Plastron plate as wide as the horn, without rim; plate length (0), 0.06-0.33 of horn length (n=12). Thorax with well-spaced, regular, transverse grooves from suture. No thorax comb.
Abdomen: Mark on segment I brown or blackish or absent. Conjunctives II/III-VI/VII shagreened. Seta D2 of segment IV anterior to the spinous seta D1 (010g.jpg). Setae D2-5 of segments III-V short and thin, sometimes branched. Anterior lateral taenia of segment VII at 0.18-0.29 of length segment VII (n=11). Anterior lateral taenia of segment VIII at 0.27-0.38 of length segment VIII (n=5).
Anal segment: Anal lobes fringed externally only with hair-like teeth (but may be toothed internally). Anal lobe ratio 1.9-2.7 (m=2.4, n=12).

Species keys out at Page 35: Tanypodinae 21 Macropelopia of the Text Key.

C Europe and Iceland.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Other subfamilies).

Ecological notes
Alpine lakes.
Larvae exclusively in the profundal zone of oligotrophic lakes (with depths of at least 60m) in the alpine foothills (Janecek, 1999a).