Chironomus bonus

Author: Shilova and Dzhvarsheishvili, 1974

Diagnosis (Material of known karyotype from P. Michailova.)
No differences have been detected between the three pharate examples provided and the pupae of Chironomus plumosus, but some minor characters are not visible due to the (cleared) pharate adult within. It may still be possible to find distinguishing features.
Large: 13-19mm long; golden to golden-brown, very rarely brown. Pleura of segment IV with a few scattered spinules, or none. Sternites III and IV without shagreen.

Species keys out at Page 151: Chironomini 48 Chironomus of the Text Key.

So far only recorded for the far east of the western Palaearctic. (Central to western European reports, see Bitusik and Losos, 1997a, Lods-Crozet, 1998a and Delettre, 2001a,- in error?)
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Chironominae).