Neozavrelia luteola

Author: Goetghebuer, 1941

Diagnosis (n=3 unless stated otherwise)
Exuviae of type Neozavrelia pe1 (130-2.jpg)
Exuviae 2.4, 2.5mm long.
Cephalothorax: Cephalic tubercles weakly rounded; frontal setae 40, 45µm long (n=2). Antennal sheath base without a swelling. Thoracic horns very delicate, transparent, toothed apically, about 175µm long (n=1) (130f.jpg). Posterior thoracic mound swollen triangularly.
Abdomen: Length hook row II 0.51, 0.59x width tergite (n=2); hooks 99-106. Tergites II-VI with an anterior pair of longitudinally oval point patches (130g.jpg); ArR II-VI 0.68-0.86 : 0.68-0.95 : 1.0 : 0.95-1.16 : 1.03-1.16. Armament tergite IV strong, 58-73µm long. Comb of segment VIII 23-28µm wide; with 8-10 marginal teeth. Lateral taeniae absent.
Anal segment: Fringe of anal lobe with 8-12 long brown taeniae. Each anal lobe strongly darkened, bearing dorsally on its posterior third small dark points (130h.jpg).
(Linked adult male: Langton and Pinder, 2003a)

Species keys out at Page 376: Tanytarsini 19 Neozavrelia of the Text Key.

Britain and Ireland, SW+C Europe.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Chironominae).

Ecological notes
Montane lakes.