Procladius sagittalis

Author: (Kieffer, 1909)

Cephalothorax: Thoracic horn cylindrical, with a transversely oval to circular plastron plate filling the horn apex, which is joined to the broad brown respiratory atrium by a broad but short neck. Thoracic horn with coarse teeth (007f.jpg). Respiratory atrium nearly as wide as the horn (Breadth atrium : breadth horn = 0.81-0.99:1, m=0.9:1). Respiratory atrium with at most a vague indication of reticulation internally, usually without any such structure.
Abdomen: Points on tergite IV similar in size to those on VIII. Segment VIII extended posteriorly on each side for over one fifth its median length. Abdominal segments with distinct brown anterior edging.
Anal segment: Anal lobes Procladius-type (007c.jpg).
(Linked adult male: Langton and Pinder, 2003a)

Species keys out at Page 25: Tanypodinae 11 Procladius of the Text Key.
Note: This species keys out with Procladius Pe3 and Procladius signatus (Zetterstedt).

Widespread Europe.
(For more information see module IdentifyIt – file: Other subfamilies).

Ecological notes
Shallow water, less than 2m deep.