- Keyl, H.G. 1961a. Die cytologische Diagnostik der Chironomiden. III. Diagnose von Chironomus parathummi n. sp. und Ergänzungen zur Bestimmungstabelle. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 58: 1-6.
- Langton, P.H. 1984a. A key to pupal exuviae of British Chironomidae. Privately published by P.H. Langton, 1 Brooks Road, March, Cambridgeshire: 324 pp.
- Petrova, N.A., Michailova, P. and Bovero, S. 1997a. Chironomus allioni sp. n. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Italy. Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae. (This paper did not appear in the conference proceedings, but see Petrova et al., 2000a).
- Petrova, N.A., Michailova, P. and Bovero, S., 2000. Cytogenetic characteristics of Chironomus nuditarsis Str. (Chironomidae, Diptera) and its relationship with species from the plumosus group. pp. 201-208. In: Hoffrichter, O. [ed.], Late 20th Century Research on Chironomidae. An Anthology from the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Freiburg, Germany, 1997. .