Author: Thienemann and Bause, 1913
Generic diagnosis, ecology and distribution: Pinder and Reiss, 1986a (p. 348-349, Fig. 10.68).
For a link to the Key and diagnostic characters: Page 397: Tanytarsini 40
Recent revisions
Cranston, 1997a (Australian species, emphasis on immature stages).
Kyerematen, 1996a (curtistylus-group).
Kyerematen and Saether, 1999a (species lists, phylogeny, keys, zoogeography).
Kyerematen et al., 2000a (pellucidus-group).
Kyerematen and Saether, 2000a (Afrotropical species).
Kyerematen et al., 2000b (Oriental species).
Ecological notes
Vinikour, 1982a discussed phoresis of Rheotanytarsus larvae on the snail Oxytrema carnifera.