Genus Zalutschia


  • Chernovskij, A.A. 1938a. Vertikalnoe raspredelenie zhivotnih v tolsce ili nekotorih ozer okrestnoste i Leningrada. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 17: 1030-1054.
  • Coffman, W.P., Cranston, P.S., Oliver, D.R. and Saether, O.A. 1986a. The pupae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: Wiederholm, T. [ed.]: Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Entomologica scandinavica Supplement 28: 147-296.
  • Lipina, N.N. 1939a. Novye formy molodykh stadii Chironomidae podopitnykh ozer sapropelovoi stantsii v Zaluchie. [New forms of the young stages of Chironomidae found in the lakes of the Zaluchiye Sapropel Station]. Trudy Laboratorii Sapropelevykh Otlozheniy 1: 90-107.
  • Saether, O.A. 1976a. Revision of Hydrobaenus Fries, Trissocladius Kieffer, Zalutschia Lipina, Paratrissocladius Zavrel, and some related genera (Diptera: Chironomidae). Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 195: 1-287.