Genus Pseudochironomus


  • Andersen, T. and Saether, O.A. 1997a. First record of Manoa Fittkau and tribe Pseudochironomini Saether from the Afrotropical region (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae). Entomologica scandinavica 28: 311-317.
  • Kieffer, J.J. 1921d. Synopse de la tribu des Chironomariae (Diptères). Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles 40: 269-277.
  • Malloch, J.R. 1915a. The Chironomidae, or midges, of Illinois, with particular reference to the species occurring in the Illinois River. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of natural History 10: 275-543.
  • Pinder, L.C.V. and Reiss, F. 1986a. The pupae of Chironominae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: Wiederholm, T. [ed.]: Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Entomologica scandinavica Supplement 28: 299-456.
  • Saether, O.A. 1977a. Taxonomic studies on Chironomidae: Nanocladius, Pseudochironomus, and the Harnischia-complex. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 196: 1-143.